Wilson is a Full Stack Software Engineer born & raised in the Bay Area.

Third child of three boys; his parents hoped for a girl.
His father was a carpenter and is disappointed in him, not unlike Jesus. His mother wants grandchildren.

Passionate for pancakes and experienced across the stack, primarily of the Javascript variety. He is an empathetic engineer and enjoys working collaboratively to solve problems and produce work greater than the sum of the parts. An eye for design and clean, sexy code.

Outside of work, Wilson regularly wins ping pong tournaments with his non dominant hand, hits rank 20 in Hearthstone, and breaks ankles on the blacktop. He cares deeply about anti-trafficking and being involved in his community.


Mobile-first web application for live event planning with friends.
Built with React, Redux, Onsen UI, Express, MongoDB, Socket.io, Webpack, and Facebook OAuth.


Habit tracking application with geo-location based check-in.
Built with React, Redux, Material UI, Express, MongoDB, Webpack, and Google OAuth 2.0.


Visualize trips by attaching photos and journals to pins on a map.
Built with Angular 1, Express, MongoDB, Google Maps API, and Google OAuth 2.0.


Discover your friends’ favorite songs.
Built with React, Express, MySQL, Webpack, and HypeM API.

What I do